A Web and School-based Professional Development Project for Foreign Language Teachers of Young Learners



Rita Calabrese, Manager

Rita Calabrese is Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Salerno. She has published on the use of information technologies and corpora for pedagogical purposes, and is co-editor of Theoretical and Practical Issues in Designing a Blended e-learning Course of English as a Foreign Language. She has contributed to edited volumes such as Fostering Self-Regulated Learning through ICT (with Giuliana Dettori and Donatella Persico 2011) and Variation and Change in Postcolonial Contexts (with Jack Chambers and Gerhard Leitner 2015). She is currently working on a diachronic corpus of Indian English (1835-2011), as shown by her article “Standardizing variation in a multilingual context: Insights into the past and present state of Indian English” in Regenerating Community, Territory, Voices. Memory and vision (2012).


Rita Calabrese

Katherine Elisabeth Russo

Filomena Faiella



Administrative Staff

Rosario Fraiese